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[Download] The Secret DJ de The Secret DJ Ebooks, PDF, ePub

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The Secret DJ de The Secret DJ

Descripción - Reseña del editor The glamour, the parties, the excess, the highs: and, of course, the lows. The life of an international DJ playing at the most exotic destinations worldwide, in the most precarious of psychic circumstances, is rich to the point of toxicity. A globally-known DJ choosing to keep his identity secret takes us on a journey into the heart of life lived in the hedonistic fast lane of club culture for 30 years. Whether playing to 10,000 fans in Ibiza or in a local pub function room, this is a cautionary tale for the rave generation whose days of pills, thrills, and bellyaches are behind them. It may, as well, contain advice: though we cannot advise that it is always followed. This book is not an instruction manual - more a cautionary tale that may illuminate anyone who has harboured ambition to pack a dancefloor... Nota de la solapa The Secret DJ is the true story of DJing, from an authentic voice speaking to this scene. The Secret DJ will give hints and guide newbies, as well as telling it as it really is for most DJs.The secret DJ never set out to be 'a DJ', no-one did in the 80s unless you wanted to get on the radio and possibly illegally close to children. Djing was about the connection music had to something ephemeral and glamorous that happened to other people very far away and for everyone, it started with radio empowering nerds. Wherever they were. However nerdy. If you are young, just replace the word 'radio' with 'internet'.The Dance scene has lasted for 30 years but has enjoyed very little coverage from those that have lived it. It is huge. It's the world's biggest youth movement bar-none and unlike it's grandfather, the sixties, it's still going 30 years later and only growing larger.This book is not an instruction manual - more a cautionary tale that may illuminate anyone who has harboured ambition to pack a dancefloor... Contraportada The Secret DJ is the true story of DJing, from an authentic voice speaking to this scene. The Secret DJ will give hints and guide newbies, as well as telling it as it really is for most DJs.The secret DJ never set out to be 'a DJ', no-one did in the 80s unless you wanted to get on the radio and possibly illegally close to children. Djing was about the connection music had to something ephemeral and glamorous that happened to other people very far away and for everyone, it started with radio empowering nerds. Wherever they were. However nerdy. If you are young, just replace the word 'radio' with 'internet'.The Dance scene has lasted for 30 years but has enjoyed very little coverage from those that have lived it. It is huge. It's the world's biggest youth movement bar-none and unlike it's grandfather, the sixties, it's still going 30 years later and only growing larger.This book is not an instruction manual - more a cautionary tale that may illuminate anyone who has harboured ambition to pack a dancefloor... Biografía del autor The Secret DJ is a globally known DJ who is choosing to keep his identity a secret.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: The Secret DJ
  • Autor: The Secret DJ
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Música
  • Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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